The Lyon Brook Trail follows Lyon Brook along a green strip through the center of town with several easy access points. The trail runs from Parkside Road (WP2) to S. Pleasant Street (WP3) then from the end of Frothingham Road through the Trussell Ridge Development to Brookside Drive and Rte. 11. Trail access is from the parking area on Parkside Road, S. Pleasant Street (park along the road), at the end of Frothingham Road, and on Brookside Drive near Route 11 (the trail crosses Brookside Drive twice before reaching its end. The entire trail is 2.34 miles long (one way). The Lyon Brook Trail also provides access via a connector to the Knights Hill Nature Park Trails just south of Parkside Road.
Note: The section of the Lyon Brook Trail that used to run from County Road (WP1) to Parkside Road (WP2) is now closed.
Trail Number: 18
Trail Distance: 2.34 miles
Trail Difficulty: Moderate
Trailhead GPS for South Pleasant Street:
43.420064, -72.001711
Trailhead GPS for Parkside Road:
43.416845, -71.998859